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Lampahan Ringgit Purwa Ki Manteb
Lampahan Ringgit Purwa Ki Manteb
Naskah Wayang Klasik
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Over Pitoyo Amrih

Pitoyo Amrih

NovelWayang PitoyoAmrih

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Werkudoro Tarung


NovelWayang PitoyoAmrih



Werkudoro Tarung


Werkudoro Tarung
Beschreibung: werkudoro was a hero of the Pandhawa, he comes from Javanese mythology.
draw with Adobe Illustrator CS 3 spend 20 hours in a few week

author : adamTNY
for join Exhibition in Indo Deviant
email :
number : 081334575344
Schlüsselwörter: werkudoro, bima, werkudara, deviant
Datum: 26.03.2012 12:39
Hits: 30926
Downloads: 0
Bewertung: 1.92 (12 Stimme(n))
Dateigröße: 117.4 KB
Hinzugefügt von: pitoyo



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